
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Boys in Tutus

So, my 2 year old son David loves dresses in tutus, tiaras, and fancy girly shoes. Am I worried? Absolutely not!!! He is a boy through and through that is for sure. He has an older sister and loves to emulate her. It is interesting to me when I come across someone that thinks it is appauling to allow such behavior to occur. I mean, I truly believe that you are born with your own sexual identity and letting your boy dress in a tutu is not going change him into a homosexual. I actually think it may help nurture his feminie side, which all women love to see in a man. Let me just say that "tutus are not just for little girls anymore!!"


Blogger Kimberly said...

tried to post on your husband's site, which I found through dadcentric but couldn't because of teh security word. I cannot even comment on my own blog for that reason! (at work, that is...). Anyway...from your husband's site...he asked if everyone becames best friends with their parents. Had to respond to this. In a word: Nope! You are lucky, I suppose. Re: boys in tutus---my little one does not have a tutu, but he is known to wander the neighborhood in mardigras beads, purse on his arm, pushing a baby stroller. He often growls while doing this, full speed ahead. I don't worry either!
ENjoy your blogging! we can be foudn at www.harrymcd.com

2:41 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

I love that picture.

I have two sons; we have a house full of HotWheels cars and dinosaurs. We also have a pink and blue play kitchen, a tiara, and a baby doll (with a stroller, even!). My sons will make superhero snacks in the kitchen, push the dinos in the stroller and wear the tiara to race cars. And it's all good.

But we might need a tutu . . .

2:23 PM  
Blogger Linsey Farley Jameson said...

Cute!!! I have 4 boys and 1 girl. I buy my girl dress ups and the only one that wants to wear them is my 3 year old boy. My daughter is busy being a garbage man or something like that.

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutly right! Wearing a tutu is not going to change your sons nature, whatever that nature is.

Uptight people out there... geeze.

Blue's Clues challenges those stereotypes too. Blue, the dog who I always thought was a boy, is a girl and Magenta, Blue's bright pink buddy, is a boy dog.

The Salt and Pepper couple are even different than you might expect. Mr Salt and Mrs Pepper, I don't know why, but I always thought of pepper as the more masculine of the two ;)

I enjoyed your perspective and adamant stance on a boys right to tutu!

One more thought. My husband is a Marine, he is one of the most masculine men I know, his favorite color is pink. Gotta love a man who is secure! :)


9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct and I think you should have pics of the boys dressed up in the outfits as well. It would certainly help in every way when someone is going thru the online catalog pics to select a tutu for their daughter and /or son.

5:50 PM  

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