
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Four Year Old Logic

I was rushing to get my oldest off to pre-school today, as every Tuesday and Thursday. I got all 3 in the car. Merry, my oldest, now has a booster seat which makes it very easy for her to escape. Well, like every morning after finally getting them all dressed, fed, etc, and into the car, I had to go back into the house for things. Like my ATM, lunch for pre-school, milk for the kids, etc. It was a 40 degreee day and so I had the car running. As I was in the house getting the last minute things I noticed Meredith approaching the front seat!!! I stopped everything and started running!!


I made it very clear she was not to ever get in the drivers side of a car or out of her booster seat.

I asked her, "Why, Meredith, did you do that? What were you planning to do?"

She responds, "WELL Mommy, that is what happens when you leave a kid in a car all alone!"

I told her that it was her decision and asked her why she made it.

She responded, "Nope, wasn't me"

I asked, "then who was it?"

She said, "My brain," "You know Mommy, my brain tells me bad things sometimes, that's just what happens to kids."

I just said, "OK, Thanks, I will keep that in mind."


Blogger Peter said...

Just a thought, Next time put on the emergency brake

7:35 PM  

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